Behind the Label: Jace

LGBTQ Interview Series


Behind the Label asks people from throughout the LGBTQ+ spectrum the same set of questions every month, from their experiences of the LGBTQ+ community to their thoughts on how to be a better ally.

This month we chat with Jace from Waterloo, Canada...


Behind the Label #2 - Jace


Name:  Jace

Age: 15

Location: Waterloo, Canada.

Profession: Studying Visual Arts & Drama

How do you identify and what pronouns do you use?

Trans Male. He/Him.

Are you openly LGBTQ+? If so, when did you come out and how did your family and friends react?

Yes, I am. I came out as bisexual at 12 years old, and transgender at 13.

For you, what’s the best thing about being LGBTQ+?

Feeling accepted in safe spaces and meeting people like me.


Who from the LGBTQ+ community inspires you and why? 

Someone that inspires me is Ellen Degeneres because she has become such an icon in the LGBT community and she’s such a successful gay woman and it just inspires me how much she strives for equality and how kind and optimistic she is.


What do you feel is the biggest issue facing LGBTQ+ people in 2019?

The biggest issue facing LGBT folks in 2019 is lack of education. The world would be a much more accepting place if everyone was educated and could make educated opinions on the LGBT community rather than just saying they don’t agree with it because it’s different to them.

If you were to give someone advice on how to be a better ally, what advice would you give?

If I could give advice to someone to be a better ally it would be to be more open-minded about learning about the LGBT community rather than just shutting off their brain completely to it.


If you could speak to your younger self, what would you say?

I would say, "Don’t be afraid of what others are gonna think of you. One day you’re gonna get to an accepting place and you’re gonna feel welcome there." 

What’s your favourite piece of Rainbow & Co pride merch?

My favourite piece of Rainbow & Co merch is the Proud Transgender Sweatshirt

Transgender Pride Sweatshirt | Trans Flag Sweater

Finally, share with us some LGBTQ+ charities or organisations which you support, these can be local/national/international. 

I really like Transfigure Print Co as well as and Transient Apparel.


Thanks to Jace for taking the time to answer our questions! If you want to see more of Jace, you can follow him on Instagram @jacenyp or twitter

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