LGBTQ+ News Round Up - May 2019

LGBTQ+ News Roundup May 2019


Each month Rainbow & Co will be sharing some of the most important news stories for the past month.

Read on to find out what happened in the LGBTQ+ community in May.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

There have been many legal changes in support of the LGBTQ+ community this month. In Taiwan, some same-sex marriages have been legalised, a first for Asia, with president Tsai Ing-wen proclaiming that ‘Love won’!

Whilst celebrating, however, it is important to remember that there is
still a long way to go before marriage is truly equal in Taiwan.

For more details, visit Pink News here.


Photo by Quintin Gellar from Pexels


Brazil and Switzerland Take Steps to Outlaw Homophobia

In both Brazil and Switzerland steps have been taken to outlaw homophobia and transphobia. In Brazil, this will put homophobic and transphobic crimes in the same category as racism whilst in Switzerland, those found guilty of a homophobic or transphobic crime can be sentenced for up to three years in prison.

Read more about Brazil's decision here and more on Switzerland's vote here.



The World Health Organisation Will Stop Classing Transgender People as Having a 'Mental Disorder'

Trans identities will no longer be classed as a mental disorder, after changes to the World Health Organisation’s Diagnostic Manual. ‘Gender incongruence’ is still listed in the manual, guaranteeing the right to treatment, but is no longer listed alongside mental health conditions. This is an important step towards destigmatising trans people.

Find out more about the change and what this means for Trans people here.


WHO Declassifies Transgender as a Mental Health Disorder


Ramaphosa includes Gay Community in Inauguration Speech. 

Finally, President Ramaphosa of South Africa included the LGBTQ+ community in his inauguration speech, a first for Africa. This vital move creates a firm foundation on which justice for LGBTQ+ Africans and South Africans can be built. Mamba online notes that ‘now it’s time for action’.

To read more on this story, head to Mamba Online here.


On Friday the 17th of May, people around the world celebrated and protested injustice as we marked International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The news shared above highlights the steps that are being taken globally to eradicate prejudice against LGBTQ+ people. Let’s build on this foundation, as we move into the pride season, celebrating our diverse and wonderful identities.

Peace, Alex.



LGBTQ+ News Roundup - Feb 2019

Alex Clare-Young is a transmasculine pastor, writer and thinker. To find out more about Alex, visit

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